08 November 2016

Frostgrave Warband after 7 games

Frostgrave Warband after 7 games I had meant to post this a lot sooner but here we go after 7 games. There were 2 more games in our campaign before this but my previous Elementalist got cut down in the Mausoleum scenario! So my Apprentice, Elrond, took over the role of Wizard and has been pretty successful so far. I looked at all the various combinations of spellcaster and decided to go with Elementalist again, the relatively high initial cost of their spells (10 minimum, Bolt is 12) made me go for that again. I also liked their Aligned schools the most. If I were to start over again I'd probably go for something like Enchanter/Sigilist/Soothsayer and pick some offensive spells as Aligned or Neutral and build them up over time. I really enjoyed having a horde of Warhounds, fielding 4 in two games and 5 in one! That was in my first three games with this new warband, after that I have brought a more diverse range of soldiers in, with the Treasure Hunter being an excellent addition. They are so good I had to get two. They are surprisingly good in defence but when they push up against the enemy they tend to go down hard. My solid 3 Archers served me in almost every game, with 1 of them being replaced by a Tracker in the last game who has yet to distinguish herself. I almost always have a single Zombie raised at the start or in the first few turns and my small Construct has always moved in and grabbed a treasure and left, the only soldier other than the Apprentice to never get reduced to 0 health. In future I may replace the Thief and the Infantryman with something more interesting. Sellsword Captains are OK but mine has never really distinguished himself, though he took out 3 wandering monsters in the last game. Hanging out where monsters spawn may be the best use for him really. Level 25 Elementalist ‘Elrond’i’ 2530 XP M F S A W H Notes 6 +5/+7 0 11 +4 19 Equipment - Hand Weapon +1 Fight, Dagger, Ring of Protection Apprentice ‘Gal-gilad’
M F S A W H Notes 6 +3/+4 -2 10 +2 15 Equipment - Hand Weapon, Dagger Spells: Chronomancer Fast Act 10 Elementalist Elemental Bolt 5 Elemental Wall 10 Scatter Shot 12 Elemental Hammer 8 Enchanter Construct 10 Necromancer Raise Zombie 12 Sigilist Absorb Knowledge 12 Soothsayer Reveal Secret 16 (new) Summoner Leap 8 Possess 14 Imp 12 Summon Demon 14 Thaumaturge Heal 12 (new) Vault: Grimoires: Dispel Draining Word Capture Incantation Home Base: Inn (+1 Soldier) Kennel (Extra slot for a Warhound only) Carrier Pigeons (-1 gc cost on all soldiers) Treasury: 59 Gold (had 800+, sold Philtre of Fury to get 1000+ and bought Heal and Reveal Secret, sold all Healing Potions, Toughness and Invulnerable Potion and Teleport to have enough for standard 3 Strength Potions) Level 2 Captain (Sellsword Expansion) 190 XP M F S A W H Notes 6 +3/+4 +1 11 +3 13 Furious Attack, Coup de Grace, Riposte, [one more] Equipment - Hand Weapon, Dagger +2 Damage, Leather Armour, Strength Potion Soldiers: (All base characters from the main rulebook) Tracker - survived one game, replacing an Archer Archer - survived 7 games, downed 3 times Archer - survived 6 games, badly injured once and missed 1 game Treasure Hunter - survived 3 games, downed 2 times (Strength Potion) Treasure Hunter - survived 4 games, downed 2 times (Strength Potion) Infantryman - survived 3 games Thief - survived 5 games, downed 2 times Construct (Small) - survived 7 games, possibly never injured Warhound (Kennel) - of 6 games with a kennel, downed every time, ‘replaced’ 3 times Also of 7 games, Apprentice never reduced to 0 HP but Wizard was once (full recovery)

February 2025 Age of Empires 3 hotkeys

I was playing a bit of Age of Empires III (Classic/2007 edition) on Steam lately and realised I had a slightly different list of hotkeys for...