3 years later from the many games of Frostgrave, I might as well upload my own records from June 2016 - December 2016. Myself, Ger and Donal played a series of triple threat matches, 12 in total. In the second game, the Mausoleum, my wizard, an old Gandalf mini figure, was downed and failed his roll to come back so he died. His apprentice, an old Elrond model, took up the cause and recruited a spicy young rogue as his apprentice. I have 10 parties listed here who played in the second incarnation of my warband under Elrond.
| Party 1 (new) | Party 2 | Party 3 | Party 4 | Party 5 |
1 | Wizard | Wizard | Wizard | Wizard (OK) | Wizard |
2 | Apprentice | Apprentice | Apprentice | Apprentice | Apprentice |
3 | Captain | Captain (OK) | Captain | Captain(BI/Heal) | Captain (CC) |
4 | Archer | Archer | Archer | Archer (BW) | Archer (49) |
5 | Archer | Archer (OK) | Archer (OK) | Archer (OK) | Archer |
6 | Archer | Archer (BW)> | [Archer] | Archer | Archer |
7 | Warhound | Warhound | Infantryman | Infantryman(BW) | T Hunter (79)OK |
8 | Warhound | Warhound | Warhound (BW) | Treasure Hunter | Treasure Hunter |
9 | Warhound (BW) | Warhound | Warhound | Infantryman(BW) | Infantryman (49) |
10 | Warhound | Warhound(BW) | Thief | Thief (OK) | Thief |
11 | Construct (S) | Construct (S) | Construct (S) | Construct (S) | Construct (S) |
ken12 | - | Warhound (k) | Warhound(k)(bw) | Warhound (k) | Warhound (k)OK |
sumz13 | (Zombie) | Minor Demon | Zombie | | Zombie |
sumd14 | | Zombie | [Minor Demon] | | Imp |
sumd15 | | | | | |
STATLINES | M | F | S | A | W |
Green slots are the Wizard and Apprentice, yellow are the standard warband slots (includes Inn); orange is the kennel for the Warhound and purple is for potentially summoned creatures.
| Party 6 | Party 7 | Party 8 | Party 9 | Party 10 |
1 | Wizard | Wizard | Wizard | Wizard | Wizard |
2 | Apprentice | Apprentice | Apprentice | Apprentice(dead | Apprentice |
3 | Captain(BI/Heal) | Captain | Captain(BI/Heal) | Captain | Captain (OK) |
4 | Archer (dead) | Tracker (79) | Tracker | Tracker | Tracker |
5 | Archer | Archer | Archer | Archer | Archer (OK) |
6 | Archer | Archer | Archer (dead) | Thug | Thug (OK) |
7 | T Hunter (OK) | T Hunter | T Hunter | T Hunter | T Hunter |
8 | T Hunter (OK) | T Hunter (OK) | T Hunter (OK) | T Hunter (BI) | [T Hunter] |
9 | Infantryman | Infantryman | Infantryman (BI) | Warhound | Warhound (BI) |
10 | Thief (OK) | Thief | Thief | Thief | Thief |
11 | Construct (S) | Construct (S) | Construct (S) | Construct (S) | Construct(S)(OK) |
ken12 | Warhound(k)(bw) | Warhound(OK9) | Warhound (OK) | Warhound(BI)(9) | Warhound (OK) |
sumz13 | Zombie | Zombie | (Zombie) | - | Zombie |
sumd14 | | [Imp] | | | |
sumd15 | | | | | |
Red indicates that they fell in battle at some point. They are OK if they passed the roll to live afterward, while BW/BI is badly wounded/injured and had to miss a battle. CC is a close call, while dead is dead. Some are struck through if dead, or fired. Some members of the warband either weren't up to par or I was unwilling to wait for them to come back to full health. Grey indicates I did wait for them to get better in the case of the Archer and Treasure Hunter. That Small Construct survived every game, what a hero. I almost always had a pregame summoned Zombie to assist too. Them and the Thug or Thief were basically arms to carry treasure.
Party 11 draft | |
Wizard | |
Apprentice | |
Captain | Str |
Tracker | |
Archer | |
Thug | |
T Hunter | Str |
T Hunter | Str |
Marksman | |
Thief | |
Construct (S) | |
Warhound | |
(Zombie) | |
(SumDem) | |
(SumDem) | |
This game never happened, I think these colours were moved along to whatever the next game was. Yellow indicates they are back in full health while Purple indicates a new member for that particular game. I believe there was an expensive Marksman (100gp) in the game Gandalf died in so maybe it was better it didn't get played! The little 'Str' next to three of them indicates Strength potions, which my troops were well-versed in guzzling every game.
WIZARD (3920) | 6 | 7/9 | 0 | 11 | 4 | 20 | HW+1F/Dag/ROP1 |
APPRENTICE | 6 | 5/6 | -2 | 10 | 2 | 16 | HW/Dag/ROF1 |
CAPTAIN (240) | 6 | 3 | 1 | 12 | 3 | 14 | HW+2Dm/Sh/LA/XBow |
ARCHERS | 6 | 2 | 2 | 11 | 2 | 10 | Bow, Dagger |
WARHOUNDS | 8 | 1 | 0 | 10 | 2 | 8 | - |
CONSTRUCT | 6 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 10 | |
ZOMBIE | 4 | | 0 | 12 | 0 | 6 | - |
I made up these stat lines early on and obviously didn't update for the incredible Treasure Hunters and so on. I think we all realized early on that Fight was the best stat, namely for dodging arrows. Hence we all had hand weapons and daggers to help get the Fight up. I think Ger raised his F every time he levelled up, making him really powerful in close combat. This aided in the attempts to get kills for your Wizard, which can be difficult.
My Spells: | | | | Desired spells: | |
Elementalist | Hammer (8) | Bolt (5) | Scatter (12) | E-Ball (12) E Shield (10) | Wall (10) |
Summoner +2 | Leap (7) | Imp (12) | SumDem (14) | Possess (14) | Bind (12) |
Enchanter +2 | Construct (10) | | |
Enchant Weapon/Armour (10) Telekinesis (10) Grenade (12) Strength (12)
| |
Chronomancy+2 | Fast Act (10) | | | Fleet Feet (12) | |
Necromancy +4 |
| | | Bone Dart (12) | |
Sigilist +4 | Absrb Know (9) | [Drain Word (18)] | [CapIncant 16] | Push (12) | Scroll (14) |
I was an Elementalist, obviously. I was a Summoner too for Leap, but it wasn't as important as games went on. Enchanter was another but I didn't sink too many points into it. Same for Chronomancy, though Fast Act was a good trick here and there. Necromancy helped me get the troop numbers up, so critical for carrying treasure. Sigilist had some cool spells I became enamoured with, namely Absorb Knowledge, which gave me a few XP boosts down the line.
Neutrals (+4): | | | |
Sooth | Awareness (12) | Wizard Eye (12) |
Thau | Heal (9) | Dispel (16) | |
Witch | Fog (12) | Familiar (12) |
Illusionist (+6) | Monstrous (14) | Glow (16) | Teleport (16) |
My neutral affiliated spells. I liked Reveal Secret as it added another treasure to the game I think. Heal wasn't used very often but very handy when your Wizard has maxed out HP (20).
Wants: | Price: | XP | Treasury | Vault | Base | Sales |
Thug/Thief | 19 | 3920 | (before 9g) 43 | Ring Prct (Wiz) | Inn w/ Kennel | Grim (Leap) |
Arc/Xbow | 49 | AbsKnw 11>10 | (after 9g) 75 | HW +1 Fight (Wiz) | Carrier Pigeons | CordialO'CS |
Inf/MAA | 49/79 | Heal 11>10 | (after 10g) 554 | HW + 2 DAM (Cap) | Crystal Ball* | FOFPot |
Kni/Temp/Barb | 99 | RevSec 15>14* | saleringofpow | FocusRing(App) | | Invul potion |
Rang/Mark | 99 | HP +1 (20) | 654 | Grim (Dispel16) | | teleport potion |
Apoth/Ass | 99 | Fight + 1 (4) | marksman | Grim (DrainW18) | | Heal x 3 |
Str +2/Tough/Spd | 50 | Awareness | 555 |
Grimoire(Capture Incantation16)
| | Scroll (Glow) |
Grenade | 50 | Fight + 1 (5) | Str x 3, LA |
Grim: Reveal Invisible (12)
| | Scroll (Shield) |
Tele/Invul/Invis | 100 | RevSec 14>13* | 400 |
| | Scroll x 3 |
Demon Bottle | 200 | Heal 10>9 | |
| | 2HW+1F |
| | AbsKnw 10>9 | |
| | Grim (Bolt) |
| | Raise Z 12>11 | | | | RingofPow |
I kept this handy. I think I had some sort of discount on various units? Hence everything was 1gp cheaper. I almost always bought potions like Strength, occasionally stuff like Grenade and Demon Bottles.
I also have a tally of my last few levels of Wizard and what I hoped to buy next.
My treasury had 544 gold after the 10th game I played with this party, though a Marksman set me back 99 and three strength potions another 150. Not sure what LA stands for in the context of the game again.
My Vault notes all the equipment and Grimoires I possessed at the time, most of which were equipped - the Apprentice has the Force Ring for example. My base had an Inn with a Kennel, allowing me 2-3 extra troops I think and a free Warhound slot. I think Carrier pigeons reduced the cost of men by 1gp and I can't remember what the Crystal Ball did if anything. Maybe it made Reveal Secret easier is that what the asterisk is for? I have a record of past sales on the right as well.
New Party | Casualties (0HP) | Place | Ger | Donal | |
Game 1 (basic) | 10% | 2nd (3T) | 3rd | 1st | |
Game 2 (Maus) | 92% | 3rd (1T*) | 2nd | 1st | |
Game 1 (Well) | 33% | 3rd (3T) | 1st | 2nd | |
Game 2 (Tower) | 64% | 1st? (4T*) | 2nd | 3rd | |
Game 3 (Pits) | 36% | 2nd? (3T) | 1st | 3rd | |
Game 4 (Keep) | 66% | 3rd+ (3T) | 1st | 2nd | |
Game 5 (Wolf) | 21% | 1st? (3T) | 3rd | 2nd | |
Game 6 (Worm) | 46% | 2nd? (3T) | 3rd | 2nd | |
Game 7 (Vamp) | 15% | 1st (3T) | 3rd | 2nd | |
Game 8 (Piper) | 38% | 2nd (3T) | 3rd | 1st | |
Game 9 (Dragon) | 33% | 1st (4T) | 2nd | 3rd | |
Game 10 (Bandits) | 50% | 1st (4T) | 2nd | 3rd | |
Averagecasualty | 40% | 25(22) | 22 | 23 | Win points |
| | 5g, 4s, 3b | 3g, 4s, 5b | 3g, 5s, 4b | Medals |
| Level | 39 | 37 | 42 | |
| | 64 | 59 | 65 | Total points |
I tried to keep a score of how well we did. My casualties include any unit that fell to 0HP in a game. Note my second game where I had 92% casualties and lost my Wizard, Gandalf. I generally lost a lot earlier on with my Warhound charges and general recklessness but got better over time. Average over 12 games was 40%.
Place I determined by treasures collected. I had the most treasures in the most games with 25, Donal had 23 and Ger had 22. Granted some of mine were Reveal Secret bonus treasures. If you discount my first two games, I only got 22 treasures overall. My level at the end was 39, Ger's was 37 and Donal's was highest at 42. That Necromancy Dart and clever placement of that spell that acts like a portal (the eye?) worked really well for him.
Donal | | Ger |
Wizard | | Wizard |
Apprentice | | Apprentice |
Captain | | Captain |
Archer | | Archer |
Archer | | Xbow |
Zombie | | Thug |
Infantryman | | Warhound |
Thief | | Imp |
Barbarian | | Thief |
Thug | | Thug |
Warhound (K) | | Barbarian? |
Ranger | | |
Trying to gather intelligence on the guys and keep tabs on their warbands. This is probably inaccurate but helped with my pregame strategising a bit.
The Silent Tower (COMPLETED)
| | -> | Spell Strategy | >>>>>>>>>>> | Next game | >>>>>>>>>>> |
5 Warhounds provide central screening force
| | | |
Cast Elemental Hammer on Archers while advancing to Tower
| | | |
Wizard and 3 Archers follow behind
| | | | | | | |
Apprentice and Zombie grab Treasure on one flank
| | | |
Leap Zombie in and out with treasures
| | | |
Captain and Construct grab treasure on other flank
| | | | | | | |
Captain and Apprentice join the carnage in middle
| | | |
Cast Bolt and Scatter into the carnage; their parties may be bunched
| | | |
5 WH attack Donal through fog screen
| | | | | | | |
Wizard and 3 Archers follow behind, brutalise Ger?
| | | |
Keep casting and firing until all dead; Leap to safety/retreat
| | | |
Pre Silent Tower plans. I got the most treasures in this game so it must have worked. My 5 Warhounds flying around early on as fun. I really liked the Wizard, Apprentice, Captain, the Rest way of moving units in this game.
The Keep/teleporter madness
| | | | Spell strategy | |
Phase 1 |
Wizard + Inf/Thugs advance to first teleporter
| | | |
Wizard/App - try for Summon Zombie if necessary
| |
App + Archers provide base of fire
| | | |
Wizard/App - get those Elemental Hammers online (Archers, Cap/T)
| |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | |
Phase 2 |
Wizard gets teleported/invulnerable/grab teleport treasure
| | | |
Wizard - Elemental Bolt time
| |
Inf/Thugs grab central treasures?
| | | |
Wizard - Scatter Shot into the melee?
| |
App/Archers provide base of fire
| | | |
Wizard/App - FAST ACT may be good
| |
| | | |
App - Leap may be necessary by now
| |
Thief grabs other treasure off teleporter
| | | |
Wiz/App - Summon Imp either
| |
| | | | | | |
Phase 3 |
Wiz teleport potion behind base of fire
| | | |
| |
App/Archers keep firing/leaping/walling
| | | |
| |
Cap + freak aid treasure haul
| | | |
Wiz/App - FAST ACT may be a good one at the end?
| |
Inf/thugs scarper or turn and fight
| | | |
Wizard - Absorb Knowledge at the end
| |
| | | |
Wiz/App - Summon Imp if necessary
| |
I think this was the game where we used an old Heroquest board?
| | |
Mystery October game Friday 7th 2016
| | | WEREWOLVES | | |
| | Wizard | Archer | Archer | Archer | Zombie | CENTRE | |
| | Apprentice | Treasure Hunter | Infantryman | Thief | Construct | GER | |
| | Captain | Warhound | Treasure Hunter | Imp | | DONAL | |
Spells cast: | 11 |
Wizard party never really got good opportunities until end, wary of Werewolf and Donal's Wizard Eye/killed Ger App 80XP
| | | | | | |
Fave spell | Hammer/Bolt |
Apprentice meandered too/Inf guarded her/TH almost died vs. Wolf/TF climbed around, never teleported
| | | | | | |
| |
Captain died fast/WH too/TH held off Donals assault/Imp got treasure safely
| | | | | | |
| |
Lucky I didn't get too many wandering monsters, all the blood was on opposite end of field
| | | | | | |
Pre game plans and post game commentary. My Wizard managed to kill Ger's Apprentice apparently for a tasty 80 XP if I'm right, almost a full level. My Captains were notoriously terrible. I even keep a tally of spells cast.
| Provisional: |
Mystery October game Tues 11/10/16
| | | WORMS! | | |
| Wizard | Archer | Archer | TH | Zombie | | |
| Apprentice | Infantryman | Archer | Thief | Construct | | |
| Captain | Warhound | TH | | | | |
Cast Summon Zombie after the first one walks off! Same for the Summon Demon!
| | | | | | |
Don't be afraid to use Leap to take full advantage of treasures!
| | | | | | |
Spell strategy: | Opening | SumDem (14) |
Wizard perform well, 2 health potions great;
| | | | |
| Opening | Possess (14) |
Apprentice also performed well, bit more useful; Infantry glued to her
| | | | |
| Middle | Bolt (7) |
Captain did OK but cut down fighting Ger's demonic Captain, killed a rat!
| | | | |
| Middle | Bolt (7) |
Archers were good and even better split up, increased flexibility
| | | | |
| End | Bolt (7) |
T Hunters fantastic in defence, bit more questionable in offence
| | | | |
POSTGAME | End | Bolt (7) |
Thief fail Grenade and died; Construct + Zombie did their jobs perfectly
| | | | |
Spells cast: | 16 | Assessment: |
Ger had very hard time in end, Donal did best probably but still suffered losses
| | | | |
Fave spell | Bolt/Leap | Kills: | 1 | | | | |
The WORMS! game. 16 spells cast, presumably successfully. I think the red and reddish hues to everybody indicate level of injury! Pure red indicates downed, as happened to the Captain, pinkish indicates finished without full health. One Archer must have escaped untouched.
| |
Next game mid to late October 2016
| | |
| | | |
| | Wizard | Archer | Archer | TH | Zombie | | |
| | Apprentice | Infantryman | Tracker | Thief | Construct | | |
| | Captain | TH | Warhound | |
Wiz killed one/damaged a few guys
| | |
POSTGAME | Spells cast: | 13 | Kills: | 1 | Assessment: |
App killed Vamp, support role in back
| | |
| Fave Spell | Leap/Bolt | Cap Kills: | 3 | |
Cap killed three things, did well
| | |
| | | | | |
Archers hurt some and covered Wiz
| | |
| | | | | |
TH were great, only suffered when press vs Ger
| | |
| | | | | |
Tracker lady was fine, she'll perform more next time
| | |
| | | | | |
Thief leaped up to Vamp Arch, retreated from Donal
| | |
| | | | | |
Imp creates unbound Demon, who killed D Barb
| | |
My Apprentice killed a Vampire, or the Vampire, I can't remember. My Captain actually did well. I remember them being questionable now - pay to get them, pay to maintain them, their XP gains were poor (10 or something for killing average units, higher for Wizards etc) and they just generally didn't excel beyond other units (which was typical of Frost Gravy).
| |
Next game 10th November 2016
| |
| | | | |
| | Wizard | TH (STR) | Tracker | Thief | Construct | | |
| | Apprentice | TH (STR) | Archer | Archer | Zombie | | |
| | Captain (STR) | Infantryman | Warhound | Assessment: |
Wiz very successful pushing up, kill Ger Archer
| | |
POSTGAME | Spells cast: | 15 | Wiz Kills: | 1 | |
App was good in support role kill Ger Wizard!
| | |
| Fave Spell | Bolt | Cap Kills: | 0 | |
Cap was terrible, always in wrong place + KO'd
| | |
PreGame 'Plan' |
Wizard advances forward and gets into an aggressive position
| | | | |
All soldiers did a fine job considering
| | |
Apprentice stays between deployment and Wizard's forward position, provide support
| | | | |
Casualties were very acceptable at around 38%
| | |
Captain and Infantryman stay behind and cover the rear, defeat any spawning monsters
| | | | |
Money low, treasure OK, XP not too great
| | |
Spares: Construct follows Wizard and grabs first treasure, Zombie does the same; Warhound may move forward to assist Wizard
| | | | | | | |
Summons: try and summon Imps first turn with Summon Demon; use them to get treasures 3 and possibly 4 if RevSec works
| | | | | | | |
Goals: | Cast 10+ spells | | 100 XP | HP + 1 (20) |
Extra A point means HP not so critical
| | | |
Kill 1-3 people with Wizard
| | 40-120 XP | Leap 7>6 |
Good to get this to 5 perhaps
| | | |
| | 150-200 XP | Heal 12>11 |
| | | |
| | 50-100 XP | RevSec 16>15 | And this | | | |
Succeed Absorb Know/Rev Sec
| | 50-100 XP | AbsKnw 12>11 | And this! | | | |
| | | 390-620 XP | WzEye/Telk/Str |
If possible, take instead of something above maybe/Grimoires
| | | |
Captain gets 1-3 kills to level up
| |
| |
Captain got 10 Xp, Wizard got 320
| | | |
My Apprentice managed to down Ger's Wizard! Captain apparently bad in the Piper scenario. Any kills by the Wizard are welcome.
| |
| | ICE DRAGON | (Eoghan) | | | |
| | Wizard | TH | Tracker | Thief | Construct | | |
| | Apprentice | TH | Archer | Thug | | | |
| | Captain | Warhound | Warhound | | | | |
POSTGAME | Spells cast: | 12 (120) | Wiz Kills: |
Ice Dragon (150), Cult Leader (50)
| | T 4 (200) | Abs Knw (50) | Option (50) |
| Fave Spell | Bolt | Cap Kills: | 0 | | 2870 | 2870 | |
| | | | | | 620 | 570 | |
| Assessment: |
Wizard was very good, Leaping and Bolting people. Close calls.
| | | | 3490 | 3440 | |
| |
Apprentice was fine, did her job well until ganked by Donal Cap + WH
| | | | | | |
| |
Captain was never in the right place and missed his archery 2-3 times
| | | | | | |
| |
TH still great though KO'd, Thief, Tracker, Thug and Construct walked Treasure off board, WH fine
| | | | | | |
| |
Spells - some terrible luck, like rolling 1-4 on Bolt and such.Some great rolls too.
| | | | | | |
My Ice Dragon scenario. My Wizard became a badass, killing things in one or two goes with Bolt, the best offensive spell when fully upgraded. He killed the Ice Dragon and the Cult Leader. I think I kept refitting my Captain in different ways, one day a two handed specialist, the next an archer. Almost always inadequate.
| |
| | | | | | |
| | Wizard | TH | Tracker | Thief | Warhound | | |
| | Apprentice | Thug | Archer | Construct | Warhound | | |
| | Captain | Zombie | | | | | |
POSTGAME | Spells cast: | 14 | Wiz Kills: |
2 (Donal Thief, Bandit leader)
| | | | |
| Fave Spell | Scatter Shot | Cap Kills: | 1 (Ice Gorilla) | | | | |
Pregame: | Wizard |
Advance on Donal for the final showdown
| | | | | | |
| Apprentice |
Can now stand still and cast at a +1; Bolt at 6, Leap at 8 etc
| | | | | | |
| Captain |
Hold the extreme left or right flank with Zombie, then get a Warhound friend
| | | | | | |
| Others |
Warhounds move alongside forward groups and plug gaps when treasure goes to rear
| | | | | | |
Spell Strategy | Wizard | Apprentice | | | | | | |
OOG | RaiseZ (11) | RaiseZ (13) | Assessment: |
Great game, very tense ending
| | | | |
OOG | RevSec (13) | RevSec (15) | Wizard |
Scatter Shot was pretty amazing. Did some silly stuff but smart at end
| | | | |
Opening | Awareness (12) | Wall (12) | Tracker |
Useful with Hammer, mobile, grabbed a central treasure
| | | | |
Opening | Hammer (8) | Bolt (7) | T Hunter |
Defended Wizard well then grabbed treasure at the end
| | | | |
Middle | Heal(10) | Heal (12) | Thief |
Grabbed early treasure and ran off eventually
| | | | |
Middle | Scatter (12) | Leap (9) | Apprentice |
Great stationery or on the move; huge threat and useful backup
| | | | |
Middle | Scatter (12) | Heal (12) | Archer |
Did not perform too well, shot at Ger thief, cut down by Gorilla
| | | | |
Closing | Scatter (12) | Leap (9) | Thug |
Bodyguarded App then downed by Gorilla
| | | | |
Closing | Leap (7) | ? | Construct (S) |
A pair of arms for Ger thief treasure but ultimately killed by Gorilla first
| | | | |
Closing | Leap (7) | ? | Captain |
Slow, terrible shot, eventually killed Gorilla, healed by App and shot down by Ger Cap
| | | | |
OOG | AbsKnw (10) | - | Zombie |
Grabbed initial treasure (Thief other one) then eventually leaped off board (wounded)
| | | | |
| | | Warhound |
Ganked by Ger WH and Thug in centre bandit fort, badly injured - replace
| | | | |
| | | Warhound (k) |
Stuck with Cap for time, eventually KO'd by Ger WH or something at very end
| | | | |
Ah the last game we played. I think I adopted a 'kill Donal's Wizard' at all costs type of mentality. OK maybe not but our two guys were the best at hurling offensive spells, while Ger got even better at summoning hideously powerful demons that got stronger every game. A great Wizard means a good Apprentice. I think I was very happy with my lineup by the end of the campaign, with one slot free to change things up every now and then.
| | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | Wizard | TH | Tracker | Thief | Warhound | | |
| | | | | Apprentice | Thug | Archer | Construct | | | |
| | | | | Captain | Zombie | | | | | |
| Wiz | App (ROF) | POSTGAME | Spells cast: | | Wiz Kills: | | | | | |
Bolt | 5 | 7 | | Fave Spell | | Cap Kills: | | | | | |
Leap | 7 | 9 | Pregame: | Wizard | | | | | | | |
Hammer | 8 | 10 | | Apprentice | | | | | | | |
Wall | 10 | 12 | | Captain | | | | | | | |
Fast Act | 10 | 12 | | Others |
Warhounds move alongside forward groups and plug gaps when treasure goes to rear
| | | | | | |
Construct | 10 | 12 | Spell Strategy | Wizard | Apprentice | | | | | | |
Absorb Know | 9 | - | OOG | RaiseZ (11) | RaiseZ (13) | | | | | | |
RaiseZombie | 11 | 13 | OOG | RevSec (12) | RevSec (14) | | | | | | |
Imp | 12 | 14 | | | | | | | | | |
Awareness | 12 | 14 | | | | | | | | | |
Heal | 9 | 11 | | | | | | | | | |
Scatter Shot | 12 | 14 | | | | | | | | | |
SummonDemon | 14 | 16 | | | | | | | | | |
Possess | 14 | 16 | | | | | | | | | |
Reveal Secret | 12* | 14* | | | | | | | | | |
^ The template for the game we never played. Out of Game (OOG) raise zombies and reveal secrets followed by actual ingame spell casting. Usually Elemental Hammer on a ranged unit or Leap on a early game treasure grab. Cool how my Wizard could pass a Bolt on a 5 and App on 7.
EXP record | Level record |
(Bolt 12>11) | |
Fight +1 | |
HP + 1 | 3 |
Bolt 11>10 | |
Leap 10>9 | |
Learned Wall | 6 |
Bolt 10>9 | |
Hammer 10>9 | |
HP + 1 | 9 |
Bolt 9>8 | |
Fight +1 | |
HP + 1 | |
Summon Demon | 13 |
HP + 1 | |
Fight +1 | |
Bolt 8>7 | |
Possess | 17 |
HP + 1 | |
Bolt 7>6 | |
Leap 9>8 | |
Imp | 21 |
Heal | |
Bolt 6>5 | |
Hammer 9>8 | |
Reveal Secret | 25 |
Rev Sec 16>15 | |
Heal 12> 11 | |
AbsKnow 12>11 | 28 |
AbsKnw 11>10 | |
Heal 11>10 | |
RevSec 15>14* | |
HP +1 (20) | |
Fight + 1 (4) | |
Awareness | 34 |
Fight + 1 (5) | |
RevSec 14>13* | |
Heal 10>9 | |
AbsKnw 10>9 | |
Raise Z 12>11 | 39 |
^ My experience log for my Wizard and by extension, my Apprentice.
That's pretty much it! Had that Excel sheet for ages and wanted to share it somehow.
It would be cool to get together with the guys and play one last game! Maybe a once the treasures are off the board, it's a deathmatch, last man standing kind of deal.