24 June 2019

New gimmick: clearing the backlog on Steam

Time to switch away from the Love/Hate series to Clearing the Backlog. Episode 1 coming soon with Borderlands 2. Currently about 80% through the story missions, should be facing Jack and the Warrior soon.

A look back at Love/Hate and the lopsided-ness:

1Fleetwood Mac2015Love
3HG:MJay P22015eh
4Kayfave C2015Love
5TIME Stories TMC, PoD2016Love
6TIME Asylum2016Love
7New Vegas DLC2016Love
10FF8 Steam2016Love
11FF9 Steam2017Love
12TIME UtM2017Love
13TIME EE2017Love
14TIME Lumen2017eh
14FF10 Remaster2018Love
15Fallout 3 (2016)2018Love
16LA Noire Steam2018Love
17FF7 Steam2018Love
19Fallout NV2018Love
20Fallout 42018eh
21Fable Remaster2018Love
22Skyrim Remast2019eh
23Borderlands 22019

So instead of #23 Love/Hate being Borderlands 2, it'll be  #1 of the Clearing the Backlog. Other games like FFXIII, FFXII, Borderlands the Pre Sequel and way more to follow after. Steam Sale soon apparently so the list will grow.

(bold = started)Backlog(steam)
Quick (less 10h)Medium (10-20)Long (20+)
80 daysAlan WakeBorderlands 2
AmnesiaBayonettaPre Sequel
Bioshock InfCall of DutyDrising 2
Broken SwordCupheadFF12
Papers, PleaseFF8FF15
StardewHalf LifeGTA5
Sunless SeaHotline MiamiJust Cause 2
Walking DeadRE5Witcher 3
Spec Ops
Tomb Raider

February 2025 Age of Empires 3 hotkeys

I was playing a bit of Age of Empires III (Classic/2007 edition) on Steam lately and realised I had a slightly different list of hotkeys for...