24 March 2023

Love/hate #40 Dark Souls 1 (Unfinished)

 I need to return to this eventually. I played it for a few weeks in March 2022 and got pretty far despite everything. I am technically stuck but like any JRPG, a bit of grinding or cheesing and I can get back on track. I last played in May 2022 but shall return, I must. I had planned to do all Dark Souls starting with 1 and move onto the related titles after that.

So as usual I will share every screenshot I took and provide a slight running commentary, maybe this will push me to go back and finish it maybe in the summer when I am free again.

Here we go...

^ My first character. I read that mages were good so I tried this...

^ Iconic!

^ I do very much enjoy killing stuff in this game. Took a while to beat this first boss dude.

^ OK so I pissed him off thinking I could kill him - big mistake. He's now permanently aggro'd so... I reset. I was not happy being a mage either.

^ All hail my second character, Secunda! Dex-Str for the win.

^ Took me a while to get the hang of melee combat only but I think I got it...

This is quite a gap in progress, but the boss on the walkway here wasn't TOO bad.

^ Here he is dying.

^ Ah tis himself!

^ I tried to sneak passed this dragon knowing full well it would kill me. It did eventually...

^ I loved the boar helmet!!! Also note the Knight Shield and Uchikatana...

^ Every new door reveals more horrors..

^ Had quite a bit of fun trying to kite enemies out to where I wanted them.

^ These pricks killed me multiple times. Maybe 3 times I don't remember.

^ Collecting my lost souls... and some loot

^ Got 'em dead eventually.

^ I personally really enjoyed all the insane NPCs.

^ State of the nation after level 20 or so...

^ I think I eventually killed this prick. Variations of him would cause me trouble later too...

^ This was but a taste of the platforming to come. Do not walk off the edge...

^ I really, really liked how everything was nicely interconnected. Castles gave way to forests gave way to swamps...

^ This took a go or two but managed to slaughter them eventually.

^ All hail the flame... This was the nice secret one.

^ Debuffs are brutal.

^ Take that you giant scum...

^ Another meme character.

^ Returning to my humble roots via this sewer tunnel. Mind the rats.

^ I was following a guide but there is only so much they can help you with.

^ Rescuing this person from a barrel, naturally.

^ Seeing ghouls in the distance, mind the fuckers on the ceiling.

^ The giant rat. Did not fight it to the death as I died at least once.

^ These doors always mean death... Well not always.

^ A gigantic arena???

^ Ah that's why.

^ They were actually grand. I think they killed me at least once but I got them eventually.

^ Side quest for the achievements...

^ Returning to the prison for... reasons. Died horribly in this corridor.

^ Secunda under the armour. Yikes.

^ Goddamn Hydra.

^ Eventually managed to kill it. Hard to get close to it, sending Hydro Pumps at you constantly.

^ Descent into the shit city!

^ Watch out for the poo berserkers!

^ A moment of rest in the poison swamp.

^ Excuse me, madame??

^ Oh right , a demon.

^ She was hard to beat. That and when you die, you respawn on the other side of the poison swamp and have to make your way back to her.

^ Using humanity, I summoned this lady to help me.

^ She helped me defeat her!

^ So many neat little secrets. Little nooks and crannys that must be returned to.

^ Open sesame...

^ Hey kitty!

^ The forest dudes don't attack if I'm in their covenant. Cool cool...


^ Debut of the Lizard Snake people...

^ Fukken mimics everywhere.

^ That'll learn you to trick me.

^ Constant man-made horrors beyond my comprehension.

^ Big boi!

^ I fell off.

^ I managed to beat him eventually with the help of a summon.

^ Trying on some mage robes.

^ More NPC fun. 

^ This bro helped me defeat the Iron Giant.

^ The infamous Anor Londo! So bright.

^ I actually really enjoyed this section and did not die (much).

^ Ayo!!!

^ Lmao the guy from earlier's armour.

^ Upgraded my weapons and whatnot here.

^ Please help me...

^ The giant guards are so pesky.

^ Despite my best efforts, I could not beat this duo and got stuck here.

Conclusion - so in sum, quite a fun game, very challenging. The lack of screen shots in numerous parts illustrates that. I played it with a controller and my palms would sweat and I'd grip it so hard! I will return, defeat that damn duo and finish the game!

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