24 October 2009

Zombie Verrukt revisited and other stuff

We've been playing Shi no Numa and a bit of Der Riese for quite some time now. No dazzling records were made, particularly for the latter. The 'war of movement' is the primary strategy with perks and certain choice guns the tactical considerations. Feeling contented with the others, I revisited the ZV map and was pleasantly surprised by two things.

1. All of the perks are there!I must have forgotten them, as Quick Revive is within easy access and so too is Speed Cola. This map gained new life!

2. The random box comes BACK!!! This is the main one. Myself and Andrew had grown found of saying 'the game was over' whenever the box broke. Now though, it reappears - without any prompts. Cheers Rory!

In addition, we reached Round 23 in Shi No Numa. James had the Ray Gun and MG42, Andrew had the Ray Gun and MG42 and I had the Ray Gun and Wunderwaffe. I got it in Round 8 or so, and kept it for the whole time! Gotta go play Dungeons & Dragons...

February 2025 Age of Empires 3 hotkeys

I was playing a bit of Age of Empires III (Classic/2007 edition) on Steam lately and realised I had a slightly different list of hotkeys for...