13 October 2014

Possible Nanowrimo/first novel settings

I hope to try my hand at NaNoWriMo next month. I heard about it in 2009 and only now feel like I have the time for it. Who knows, it might lead to bigger and better things. I will try and set it somewhere in my custom world - I have three regions that allow for diversity and familiarity.

The blue is a meant to be a heavily balkanised region full of conflict and ethnic tensions. As time goes on, three great empires emerge which fight a number of proxy wars. Eastern Europe, Africa and the Asiatic Steppes roughly compare with this area.

Red is one of my favourite areas, being dominated by two religions which overlap heavily. It is very dry along the peripheries and is similar to the Middle East if it were a little less desert.

Purple is the strongest de facto candidate. It is the only region which resembles Europe, Russia and certain parts of the Far East like Japan and Korea.

February 2025 Age of Empires 3 hotkeys

I was playing a bit of Age of Empires III (Classic/2007 edition) on Steam lately and realised I had a slightly different list of hotkeys for...