21 January 2015

Necut as a wiki entry - copied from the wikia

The fourth planet of the Plerojam System in the Galactic South-West. It is a terrestrial planet but it surrounded by a dense magical cloud which gives it a brown-hue. It is slightly larger than Earth and part of the 'genetic code' of the planet is thought to be inspired by Earth as well.
Composition and structure
Orbit and rotation
Cultural and historical viewpoint
Moons, Asteroids and artificial satellites
Necut was the name of the planet according to the original inhabitants and their rulers, a race of demigod-avians. Upon the arrival of the Six Gods they destroyed the original world and remade it to their liking, utilising various scripts including Earth's to create their ideal base. Sealed in by the Allies, they re-iterated the name of the planet to their followers and what remained of the original inhabitants.
When the Elven Expeditionary Force set out for the planet-field they dubbed it Yondera II, with Yondera being used for millenia afterward.
Composition and structure
Owing to the presence of the mana field, Necut is a perfect spheroid, not suffering from the effects of gravitational pull naturally yet the planet itself obeys the laws of gravity by the Gods' and the Allies' intervention. This was done to aid intervention should the mana field fall and the Six Gods attempt to rule the galaxy once again.
Like other terrestrial planets Necut is divided into a crust, mantle and core. It is thought to have a unique if unremarkable composition, somewhere between how the planet formed naturally and after being destroyed and rebuilt.
The Earth God Mozeth took care to manufacture the internal processes of the planet properly and tectonic plates are utilised in his system. The greatest zone of separation is in the Emerald Ocean while the Teranese Ocean is extremely volcanic.
Necut is quite rich in water (65%), not quite so much as Earth (70%) and is certainly drier. The mana field created unstable weather formations at the highest altitudes resulting in Allied and later Six God manipulation, cutting short the Ice Ages.
Orbit and rotation
Rotation of Necut relative to the Plerojam Sun is thought to be roughly 18 to 24 hours.
It takes about 360 to 370 days for Necut to orbit the Sun.
Necut was more severely tilted axially prior to re-construction but the Six Gods returned it to a near-perfect axis, resulting in only one month of polar night/day being observed in the North and South Poles a year.
Necut supported life without intervention, while a number of animal and plant species were lost forever in the process of reconstruction, yet more were lost attempting to adjust to the addition of the Six Gods' respective servant races.
While still one of only two sites in the system that can support life, it has diminished considerably in comparison to Zutrillia, so much so that only the Gods' intervention and Elven invasion restored some of the balance. The lasting legacy of the planet's mismanagement are the numerous semi-barren plains situated across the planet.
Necut is relatively stable in the Western Hemisphere, while the Eastern Hemisphere is affected largely by monsoon-style rains, hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions. The Western Hemisphere landmasses tend to suffer a number of earthquakes in the interior where various plates meet.
In the modern era there are only a small number of states though hundreds existed in earlier periods. There are many nationalities but few states and fewer nation-states. Necut has never been ruled by one world government, though the Council of Necut was established after the Great Elven War to avoid forming one by bloodshed.
Cultural and historical viewpoint
While originally some millions of years old, Necut is now technically 6000 years old if dated from the Six Gods being imprisoned there. Only the last 2900 years are recorded in Myrnan history, with the previous 3000 years roughly recorded between the Six Elder Races (6000) and the Elves (4500 years).
Possession of the meta-knowledge of the planet's existence was deliberately kept from the Elder Races and the Myrnans, while the Elven Expedition lost much of its archives after a period of barbarism. Knowledge of the planes was slowly mapped out, with the biggest advances in the earliest period when the Gods were still active and competing with each other and after the rise of the mage-gene.
The formation of Necut was not mapped by the Federation or the Empire, or any other power in the region. It is presumed to have followed a similar course to Earth though more research into the original Necut would be required to confirm this.
An Ice Age was brought on by extreme weather from the mana field, which resulted in Allied assistance being rendered. There have been no other incidents similar to that since. The Air Goddess Ailzor froze a large portion of the Eastern Hemisphere roughly 5500 years ago, causing huge disruption while bizarrely reviving some of the original avian inhabitants of the planet. It was ended soon after after the other Gods attacked.
Ailzor's defeat and the end of her Ice Age resulted in a general warming of the planet for the next 5000 years, with temperatures set to rise - this is not relative to the heat of Plerojam's sun, which is older than that of the Solar System and has risen hugely. It is believed the mana field protects Necut from the sun's rays, while Zutrillia and the Earth Federation must consider countering global warming and the Elven Empire endure cooling.
Moons asteroids and artificial satellites
Necut has one large moon and roughly three or four smaller moons. These smaller satellites are probably more accurately described as asteroids, though they do have a small influence in certain periods of the year.
Federation probes noted on the last visit that all was well but Elven probes between 4500 and 1500 noted the presence of an artificial satellite thought to have originated from the planet itself, which was a partial reason for their expedition.

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