04 July 2018

July update 2018

All is well.

Working away still in Medtronic will remain there for some time yet.

Hoping to wrap up online history course in UCC and either do short informal courses in GTI or somewhere or nothing at all. I'm done with formal education for some time but I leave on a good note.

Theo is very well he finished Junior Infants and will soon be in Senior Infants! He is also getting his big boy teeth. We're just trying to keep him busy over the summer he is full of beans as ever.

Got to go to Amsterdam at the end of April and went to Slovakia-Hungary-Austria in June for a week was fabulous. No more holidays planned bar a brief sojourn to Westport later in July and possibly some sort of weekend break at the end of the year with Roycey. Prague is high on the list.

No other stories, mainly playing vidya where possible (FF7 blog post to follow shortly) and occasionally getting out of the house. Waiting until the weather goes to shit to get back on the bike and running in the rain. Can't stand all this sun and heat, too humid in this country for that craic.

January 2025