30 November 2018

NaNoWriMo 2018

I heard about it as early as 2009-2010. I thought about every now and then until I finally registered on the site in 2014, apparently. 2016 saw me create a book on it but not actually write anything (I deleted this and lost the badge, oh well). 2018 I said I'd give it a go, at last.

It was to be written longhand. I got really discouraged when I read that you had to validate your wordcount and I thought a damn I needed to be typing this, which I grew to hate. I like to do worldbuilding and TTRPG-writing in Word or Google Docs but not narrative writing. I like the flow of writing by hand, and I don't stop to edit every single mistake. This can really kill momentum, for me anyway.

Turns out you can validate by having a someone else count your words and I thought 'no way someone is reading this.'

Necut Six was the name of the novel this time. Main character A journeys to six points on the map of significance with a growing entourage. Main character B is under house arrest but is rescued by his estranged best friend and fellow VIP and they head off on a magical adventure. Main character C, brother of A and son of B would actually have to fight in the war while the other two avoided or tried to manipulate it. Poor bastard. He didn't even get any words written about him (yet)!

Word count by day:

1 1528
2 380
3 2549
4 697
5 -
6 1222
7 159
8 -
9 -
10 -
11 623
12-30 -

Total: 7158/50000

Not terrible! This is an ongoing project, a marathon not a sprint, and I quite enjoyed it. I burned out from matters completely unrelated to writing mid November after a series of events around the 9th to 11th. Forcing myself to write is not in my skillset, unfortunately for my wordcount. I often thought of going back but was really and truly burned out for most of November. All is well, just tired.

So that's my first actual proper NaNoWriMo attempt, I look forward to next year and having another go. I will continue with this bit of paper hopefully sooner rather than later. It really opened my eyes in a lot of ways, I can do this!

February 2025 Age of Empires 3 hotkeys

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