23 February 2020

Clearing the backlog #5 Final Fantasy X REMASTERED on Steam

Here we go again. I posted back in January 2018 about my playthrough in August 2017. It must have been the first game I played to completion on this laptop. I bought it for a grand with emergency tax money at the start of August 2017 and it's still kicking. I played FFX and cleared it but didn't really go out of my way to get all the achievements. Because it's combined with FFX-2, I will need to clear that as well to get 100% completion on Steam. Sigh.

Achievements in FFX left to do:

  • Win at blitzball
  • Win a blitzball tourney
  • Pass all chocobo training
  • Dodge 200 lightning bolts
  • Win Chocobo race with a time of 0.0.0
  • Get 5 treasure chests in a race at Remiem Temple and win
  • Unlock all slot reels
  • Get all celestial weapons
  • Find all 26 Al Bhed Primers
  • Complete one sphere grid
  • Complete all sphere grids
  • Defeat Penance
  • Defeat Nemesis
  • Watch Eternal Calm
  • Get all FFX achievements.


Eternal Calm is a video you can watch. 15 minutes long and unskippable, but, yeah.

Penance will require beating all the Dark Aeons.

Nemesis requires capturing 10 of every monster and beating every creation.

One sphere grid should be grand. All of them... fine. Cactaur King for AP.

I think I'm missing the 4 missable primers in my completed save file. Might just start fresh anyway.

All celestial weapons... I can get a lot of the parts easily enough. A few are 'behind' some of these other achievements, Lulu's from the 200 bolts and Tidus with the chocobos.

I never cared for the chocobo training or race. Will have to change that.

Blitzball... BLITZBALL how I hate it.

Feck it. I'll post this now and update as I play over the next 2+ weeks or so. I want to play FF13 in March to celebrate it's 10th anniversary so there is that too.


Update 29 Feb 2020:

Unlocked Eternal Calm by watching the damn video.

^ Took a 'break' to beat the first few Dark Aeons to unlock Penance. Just Anima, Yojimbo and the Sisters to go.

Completed sphere grid w/ Tidus. Wasn't too difficult:

Completed sphere grid w/ everyone - this was tedious. Grand with everyone except Yuna, who lacked Overdrive abilities so had to grind to get them then eventually got everything.

^ Everyone in the party is hanging out in the bottom left so I'm going to use maybe 10-15 Clear Spheres here then beat Greater Sphere a bunch of times to get Fortune Spheres. Use about 10-20 of those for +40 to +80 luck in this corner then beat Earth Eater a bunch of times to get Tidus, Wakka, Auron , Rikku minimum to 80-100 luck. That should apparently be enough to beat the two superbosses.

These are the 'easy' ones. No idea how I'll do with Blitzball and Chocobos.

February 2025 Age of Empires 3 hotkeys

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