25 October 2021

More on my DND campaign 2021

Last time they were in the semi finals of the Regional Tournament. There have been 12 more sessions since and a lot has happened!

The Regionals had only the barbarian player in the semis out of 4 players, the other 3 were cut down. The barbarian was unfortunately defeated in his semi final but would go on to defeat the treacherous Artificer who killed the fighter player. He showed the artificer lady mercy, surprisingly, but she was swept away by the Queens' people. The Agisu Queensman would fight the Queenhater and win, revealing shortly beforehand to the players he was in fact Gaius the Revolutionary Leader and would use the award ceremony to attack the East Queen.

In a somewhat epic bout the players would join in on fighting the Queen and her cabal, ultimately defeating the East Queen, with the final blow being delivered fittingly enough by the revolutionary leader. After she died, reality shifted and everyone was thrown far away magically.

The players awoke in the middle of a mountain, not sure where but definitely underground and dark. They made their way through and met Mo, who was the fighter player who had drawn up a new character. Joining forces they fought through some Ropers and Umber Hulks as well as a small army of Trolls of various sizes who were making their way into the dungeon. A weird barrier prevented them from exiting but not entering the dungeon. They would have to figure out the source of this strange barrier to get out...

They briefly entered the Plane of Earth via another portal in the dungeon and almost ran out of air but quickly figured out how to get out of there but were harrassed by a Dao and its Mephit buddies. They came across a room full of Earth Elementals and were subsequently sandwiched between the two forces but came out victorious. A strange altar and setup was being guarded by the Elementals, which they eventually found the reason for - a great locked stone door at the bottom of a great set of stairs. They figured out the ritual with the help of some handouts scattered in the dungeon and opened the chamber....

A Stone Man and Xhardja awaited them and after an epic battle in which the rogue player 'wished' for all of them to be full health again, they won and discovered the Crystal of Earth in Session 38. The 'second' Crystal which they inadvertently skipped and found #3 instead, the Crystal of Air in Session 13. All this after Session 8 and the Crystal of Fire. Mo snatched the Crystal of Earth, just like their deceased fighter who nabbed the first Crystal!

Exiting the dungeon they encountered a really long, stone bridge. Marching across it was an army of Duergar. A parley ensued with the party almost negotiating the Arch Mage and Duergar Warlord to back off for now but then the Wizard player threw a Dawn at the baddies! A very interesting fight ensued which almost got one or two of them thrown off the bridge and a surprising near death or three. The evil band were defeated.

Back in the valley they had found the Crystal of Fire in a few weeks of ingame time ago, it was now snowing unnaturally and a great lump of ice was dominating the skyline. Uh oh! They were almost going to ignore this and went on a brief shopping spree in the starting village which was nearby until they discussed amongst themselves that they must investigate this 'ice palace', which at the minimum would be the right thing to do and at the maximum net them a Crystal of Water if such a thing existed. Onward!

They wandered around the valley and got lost in the snowstorm. They encountered the bodies of kobolds everywhere and other stuff... A Remorhaz attacked at one stage. A halfling sorcerer named Kettle decided to tag along with them and they managed to negotiate their way past some frost giants which guarded a frozen waterfall, then past a bunch of abominable yetis. A small army of kobolds was at the heart of this complex, engaged in training exercises or something. A fireball put an end to that and the slaughter began. One kobold out of like 50 survived and swore to follow them. His name is Phlegm. He showed the party how to teleport to the 'ice palace'. Inside there was an Ice Devil, a representative of the Confederate Demon Army, who stood aside. Lots of not-fighting but it was good policy. After that a lair of White Dragons followed, 1 Ancient, 1 Adult, 3 Young Dragons and 4 Wyrmlings. A mighty battle!

Soon after ridding the world of White Dragons they marched north to Moonwheat once again just in time for the great battle. A war council was held in the local pub (biggest space) and they resolved to attack the Confederate HQ head on. The Queens' Army would be on one flank and the Revolutionaries the other while the misfits marched up the middle.

A great force of demons faced them but they received assistance from the gods (Planetar) from old friends (a Death Knight, priests for healing), enemies (a blue dragon) and 'nature' (an Acid Phoenix made its debut). A cleric-paladin sister duo who they travelled with before near Moonwheat assisted them as well as a guest player's Elven fighter and various other bits and pieces. They systematically pulled apart the demon army in part 1, part 2 saw them fighting the elites and killing the Marilith commander only for her Balor partner to appear, then part 3 saw them fight the true commanders, a Sibriex and a Molydeus. The barbarian, wizard and paladin were all Feebleminded at one point and the barbarian has had his head cut off by the Molydeus and died! But they won the day in the end.

So here they are celebrating the win, what's next? The land to the east of the town of Moonwheat is being slowly drowned by water. What on earth is causing that? The Dwarflake is now 10 times its original size. The barbarian is now dead but will surely be revived soon. The Crystal of Fire is still AWOL. The war between the Queens and the Revolutionary is sure to come crashing back. And strange laughter is being heard in the distance...

Updated for Sunday 24th October 2021 session: they are now level 13 having gotten the 18000+ experience for killing all those demons. This was reduced by all the help they got. Anyway... barbarian raised from dead, they went back to Moonwheat and were turned away by the Queen's army, so they rested in the ruined farmhouse they fought the demons in before on the hill and then resolved to break into the town and get the 'foldable boat' the wizard there alluded to. This will somehow help them resolve the rising water levels of the nearby Dwarflake, which now surrounds the city and floods much of the savannah. As of this writing they are attacking the city, defended by the Queen Army and a coven of hags that were allied to the army and being used to dispose of prisoners and political enemies...


Updated kill log:

Session 349
east queen, 2 semis, third place, final23300
6 guards700
lex sbuckler700
Session 357
Water Ele 11800
Roper 47200
Umber Hulk 23600
Session 366
Troll 35400
Dire Troll10000
Rot Troll5000
Venom Troll2900
Session 3718
Galeb Duhr 12300
Rust Monster 6600
Earth Ele Myrm 12900
Earth Ele 11800
dust mephits 6600
trolls 23600
Session 382
Stone Man5900
Session 3921
Duergar Warlord2300
Soulblade 2400
Kavalrachni 31350
F steeder 3600
Duergar Spy 41800
duergar s gua 62700
Session 4053
remorhaz 17200
kobold 25625
kobold underling 15375
kobold d shi 91800
kobold mage 3600
Session 419
wyrmling 4450
young 32300
adult 110000
ancient 125000
Session 4274
Barlgura 35400
Manes 712400
Session 43132
Manes 842100
Tanarukk 410800
Barlgura 11800
Hezrou 311700
Vrock 24600
Chasme 613800
Armanite 514500
Shadow Dragon10000
Shadow 252500
Session 4412
Armanite 12900
Cambion 11800
Balor 122000
Flameskull 44400
Glabrezu 110000
Vrock 24600
Session 4537
lakour soldiers 361800
annis hag12300
Some more stats:

Ingame DAYS:47Rations
Kills1108Session 45
Current Time22:00
Cards drawn13-
Wishes castSc 0/2 Mo 1/2-

So after 47 ingame days and about 500+ real days they are level 13 and a half. 

session #levelRoyce/EphrimCathy/AriMoErinCian/Scorch
3510cathy as a druid
3610cathy as a druid
3811cathy as Mo
3911cathy as Mo
4012cathy as Mo
4112cathy as Mo
4212cathy as Moguest+
4312cathy as Mo
4412cathy as Mo

^ Session #, level of players, name of players. Interesting how reasonable the levelling up has been, I am a bit worried about my sticking to experience points BUT it has worked out in the end. 5e accelerates toward the end anyway 10-20 levels it gets very fast. I am currently projecting the game to end mid-2022 and am looking at the next campaign. There are still the Crystals and the Queens War to resolve which should take us to 20 and fin. Factoring in breaks for Christmas into January and the odd week off between January-April it's looking like a June 2022 finish, 2 years after it started. I'll type it here: 17 by March, 20 by June makes sense. There will probably be a session or three at 20 to fight tarrasques and whatnot but that will probably be the end. Maybe take July off or so and then back into it. 

February 2025 Age of Empires 3 hotkeys

I was playing a bit of Age of Empires III (Classic/2007 edition) on Steam lately and realised I had a slightly different list of hotkeys for...