28 May 2024

May post #2 Cycling erryday of May

 My right hip was killing me and has been an on-off issue over the last 2+ years of sitting around SO I resolved to cycle a lot more to ease the pain - it worked before - and turned it into a personal challenge as I am wont to do.

Here are the results:

DateDayCycle #Comment
13/May/2024Monday18"personal best"
21/May/2024Tuesday7"duathlon", RAIN

Total: 296km!

So overall, a better result than the last time I did this (October 2022?) probably could have done it every single day on reflection but I think doing 'mini-duathlons' some days kind of covered that. Never did that before in the past so was a nice change - I hadn't been running as much lately due to hip pain but combind with the bike it sort of alleviated it.

I am going to try the Laura Lynn 50 miles (80km) running challenge in June if I'm still alive then so that shoudl be grand. Will combine with a tiny bit of biking and a lot more rest days because fuck. The last 2 years have been great but I can feel my joints decaying.

27 May 2024

May post #1 What I've been playing lately: Resident Evil 4 OG, Skyrim*, Fallout:New Vegas again again

 More filler content! I played Original RE4 for a few sweet days in April. So good. I didn't play Professional this time like I did before, I just went for Normal to have some fun and challenge. Ashley wearing the suit of armour though made me think I should have tried Professional again. I already have the achievement and am a decent RE4 player so it would have been nice. Next time!

Skyrim I briefly picked up before casting aside again - just not that into it. I pivoted into GTA4 instead and you can see how that went in April.

FNV continues to be quite possibly my fave game of all time, or certainly in the top 5-10 games. I played a very simple challenge game of it: no companions! I always play now on Very Hard and Hardcore Mode but I always make sure to recruit ED-E and various other characters. My small armies would usually wipe out the enemy before they ever made contact. This time, I was on my own.

Resident Evil 4

I've beaten it before at least once or twice on the GameCube, then again on Normal and Professional on the PC. So it had been a while I played it on Normal. Was tough! 

But I had unlocked Leon's mobster outfit which was kind of cool but critically Ashely was wearing armour, so she was invincible and could not be captured by the enemy. Should have tried Professional!

Can't remember how I died the first time, but I think the latter 2 were that damned speedboat at the end.


I played this very briefly. Updates took a MILLION years.

 Like, I did the starting quests and left the burned down town with the rebels this time I think. I got as far as Whiterun and the initial Dragon fight but when they told me to haul myself to some dungeon after meeting the Greybeards I was just like UGH. 

It took a lot for me to finish Skyrim the first time a few years back, I could never get into it but once I got addicted to the smithing and enchanting it sort of worked out and the DLCs were interesting but eh.

FNV: Very Hard, Hardcore Mode, No COMPANIONS No Unique Weapons

I realised that I had never done a 'no-companion' run of this. I usually don't bother with companions in 3 and 4 but I always recruited everyone in New Vegas. More quests to do so more XP but also just nice to have a small army backing me up. I also can't use them as pack mules, human shields or golf caddies.

I did notice on my last couple of Very Hard playthroughs it was harder to keep people alive which was challenging. Some Cazador would poison Boone and he'd die before I could save him etc. Didn't need to worry about that here!

I was watching Shogun at the time so I knew I wanted to get the Katana again in this. So so good. I would want the Slayer perk later so my attacks would be ultra fast. 

Honest Hearts in its entirety (?) :

I did all the DLCs and you must use companions at different stages so I allowed myself to relax my own rules I had imposed on myself. I got to level 50 (with 2 batches of console raiders) but was 4 skill points short of having 100 in every skill! I guess I'll just have to play New Vegas again in a few months...


I think I'm going to play a chill FFX playthrough, it's been a few years since I beat Penance and maxed out the Sphere Grid and whatnot for all characters. I still haven't won a game of Blitzball in my entire life nor dodged 200 lightning bolts so will focus on that in June, maybe. FFX-2 as well which I briefly started before.

I may also return to FF13 and do its sequels. It's only been 4 years in August since my legendary 120 hour playrthough for 100% completion...

Love/Hate #49 The Outer Worlds 45/68 achievements

My eyes were bleeding after Pathfinder so I took a break then played Outer Worlds for the first time ever. Then 2 days later I finished it! ...