27 August 2024

August post #2 Necut temperature/climate map made in 30 minutes on 27/Aug/24

 As the title sez!


This doesn't take into account Teranese Ocean/Forbidden Ocean islands outside the Box of Necut ofc

Some generalisations were made but this is pretty accurate. Also plenty of mistakes but laregly just fudged the fine details.

Kept the number of terrain types simple here, no need to go into savannah/sub-tropical forest/too many kinds of forest or grasslands or plains etc.

Actually quite pleased with how this turned out. As it says in the title, I got back from my first cycle in 39 days and had lunch then threw this together in good old MS Paint.


I hate my resolve to post two blogs every month this year, it forces me to write stuff rather than have it happen more organically. I'll go back to one a month in 2025 probably. This was a map I wanted to do on the spur of the moment so I decided to post this instead of what I was working on.

05 August 2024

August post #1 DayZ Achievement Backlog 12/13 completed: You Have The Right and Heal the World

 So last time I mentioned DayZ, end of June, I had three achievements left to do:

1 - tying 10 people up

2 - bandage 30 people (was at 

3 - kill a real player at 300 metres or more with a gun

You Have The Right

There it is. Even hopped in the driver seat before being killed

Respawned nearby and stalked them. 

I had a good run in June but was killed by some base sweats who had a car to boot. First time ever seeing a car in DayZ myself.  Thus began my 'mummy run' which was fun as I was constantly shivering with the cold but did not give a fuck about gear or staying alive. Handy for running around one town knocking people out and tying them up.

There's like NO storage space lmao.

I was at 9/10 for tying people up on the 7th of July, according to the June blog post (must have edited it).

27th of June. 

Screenshot from the 6th of July

Aesthetic Pipsi machine with meaty burial ground

So according to my diary it was at 5/10 before I re-installed at the end of June. The previous 5 were from my 2023 playthrough. I got it to 6/10 after some initial chaos in Solnichniy (which I call Connemara for some reason) by tying a dude up. Accidentally tied myself up at one point.

On the 6th I managed to tie up 3 more people in various ways to get it to 9/10! I had one last guy in my sights but he managed to evade me. This would all turn out to be way easier than bandaging people. Just knock ‘em out with fists or preferably melee hits and boom. Or come across their already unconscious form and tie/handcuff them.

Duct tape is the fastest, followed by handcuffs I think. All others are slower (rope, barbed wire etc).

On the 7th of July 2024 despite the endless lag I managed to pistol whip a guy down and got the achievement to 10/10. This character I stuck with for a bit but then I ran into two cannibals laughing at a bus shelter. I tried to start slicing them but they cut me down. Forgot one of my lessons from 2023 - never take on 2 or more people who are likely a team.

Heal the World

I was at 10/30 from my previous runs in 2023. All I had to do was patch 20 more cuts. Sounds simple? Well it’s other players who are notoriously unreliable in this game. There is no code of laws or anything, you can be walking alongside someone one second and then punching each other to death the next.

First guy got me on 11/30. I shot him twice and then gave him some food and patched him up obviously. 9th of July.

The lag is so bad in the daytime here in Ireland so I figured out you can only play European servers in the morning (11/12+) and at night (10+ until late). I would log out anytime the lag was bad, it's just too risky dealing with other players and zombies.

Also I would log out when the server went into nighttime. Very hard to see half the time at night in the game. I would also often log out when it started raining ingame as well, just to avoid catching a cold and dying. Wet clothes can be lethal. I gradually grew out of that, learning how to make fire work in my favour. A rag on a stick can dry your clothes in seconds. Night and weather only lasted an hour IRL so I’d just take a break.

Broom on fire = dryness and heat!

I was shot and killed by surprise on the 13th of July. Was fucking around at night, lit a broom on fire and left it in the street. Some guy shot me to pieces. Luckily I spawned not too far south and ran back to my body. He had left loads of food, ammo and my guns behind (no one likes the sawn off shotgun).

Lots of meeting no one. I’d log on at like 11pm, run around the same town over and over, collecting clothes, bandages, food, medicine, water… all basic stuff, nothing too advanced. So I was more or less completely self-sufficient. 

16th July I killed like 3 freshies. No cuts to heal. Around this point I was tired of DayZ and played a bit of Shadow Magic and Age of Empires for the memories.

Very sus zucchini

17th of July I killed one guy on the coast who had just knocked out a freshie. I was cutting up his corpse and the guy who was KO’d awakened and started punching me! Had to gun him down and skin and quarter him too. I hate the sound of flies over the corpses so I would cut them up, light their glow stick and place it on their meat as a burial. Aw.

He woke up and was like WTAF

DMR I was carrying around forever. Set it on fire.

18th of July - had to log in and out various times but met two people at the well in town and patched them up. We walked together for a bit, one guy was a brand new player. All text chat from me, they were Swiss. Another dude comes along with guns on him and starts talking French. I get worried that the two others will turn on me, the guy speaking in text. Even if I did give them food and bandages.

So I slipped out my sawn-off shotgun (very hard to see when you have a massive backpack) and shot the armed guy! The other two just stood there but the one who was showing his buddy the ropes picked up the fallen guy’s rifle and shot - and missed! We smack each other with the butts of our guns and I leg it as the zombies have now found the source of all the noise. I start sprinting down the street, chased by zombies and I get kicked out due to bad connection!

Moments before disaster? Guy on ground kept passing out

When I came back in 20 minutes I had like 3 cuts and low blood left but managed to patch myself and eat and take stock. There were 3 bodies scattered around! Guy with guns was nowhere to be found. Circled town until I was back up into regular blood and encountered no one else. 

On the 19th of July I finally died. I was staring at a guy with a rangefinder, he marched up the street and started slicing me. I gun him down. Somehow a shell burst and made a ton of noise, attracting a million zombies to the beach. I regroup and circle around town and run into another dude with a shotgun. We back away and then approach again. I just stood in the doorway and he gunned me down, just totally dropped the ball. Wasn’t even aiming or considering what to do. Oh well! Came back after some false spawns; spawning in the north-east corner and ran back to Solnichniy/Connemara and everything was looted. I think the only thing I recognised was a cleaver.

This began one of my longest runs in DayZ.

I’d log in almost every day from the 19th of July to the 5th of August, usually for an hour or two at night.

23rd of July - note that I hadn’t bandaged a soul in weeks in my diary. Killed some guy with my cleaver. I blacked out but came too and he was dead. Saw two people jumping around but avoided them.

24th I logged in and there was a guy in the same house as me! I shot him with my tiny Pink Derringer and he bled. I see the blood and like some sort of reverse vampire shot in and bandaged him. Thanked him and gave him some food. He gave me a pumpkin! I was like how and found that someone had planted a garden. Killed some other guy with the derringer to the head. May have been the same guy, who knows. 15/30 bandages.

25th I did not meet a soul but restocked all my food and whatnot.

26th insanity - bumped into 3 fresh people in a row. Gave one guy food and demanded he take his shoes off and walk around in exchange. A cut usually happens quickly and I could patch it. My new system. Food for cuts (that I would get to patch). He didn’t do it so I shot him down.

Chased two others into the far house and they beat each other up then I came in hacking. All dead and no cuts.

Met one last guy who was starving in the sheds. He had voice chat - food please. I gave him some food. He did the thing for me, no questions asked. I bandaged him to get to 16/30! I threw him a pristine can of peaches. I was just about to ask him if he needed anything else and he died in front of me! I was so sad I took his pink armband and wore it for the rest of this run, plus dug him a garden nearby which stood until August 25th. The peppers I planted did not grow, sadly. It was the closest thing to peaches, peppers. I ate the can of peaches in his memory. RIP Peaches!

27th of July - 4 dead freshies in the yard, no signs of life. Lag was bad so I left it.

Was in Westport so did not play until August 1st. Did not encounter a soul.

August 1st and it's still here, same server EU DE 1200

Lots of logging out in sheds...

August 2nd 2024 - played for 40 minutes in the morning. Convinced a dude to do the thing and gave him a knife and a bandage. 17/30. Saw a freshie spawn near the yard so tried to find him. Couldn’t, then started staring at a zombie trapped in a crate. Then out of nowhere the freshie appears punching me! I recovered, backed up and shot him. Lag but no lag symbol.

Love how silly my costumes get

Spotted a semi-geared fellow with a big bag and guns over his shoulder at the edge of town. Ran down the road, jogged away but could see him go into the bushes on the beach and lie down. Knew he was marking me so logged out in a faraway house. 

I could NOT find pants so resorted to old methods

August 3rd - traded food for cuts, got to 18/30.

August 4th - met a dude typing in Cyrillic text. He was stuck on top of a car near the hospital while a zombie was running around him. Lots of head bobbing and whatnot, threw him some stuff anyway. He didn’t seem to understand my request, which is fair. I could have sworn he threw a landmine down and was trying to get me to walk on it. Gave up.

Eastern European dude who possibly put the landmine down (not pictured)

Pepper Peach Garden STILL there August 4th 2024

August 5th - Today I ran around with some freshies giving them food and protecting them from zeds, told them my story and one of them just said f it and got me to 30/30 by walking around barefoot.

 All I had on me was bandages, knives, shotgun shells, medicine, food. Got him to shoot me in the head to say goodbye to that character. That was around 12:45 to half 1 or so. 

All I need now is the 300 metres achievement which I’ll have to cheese somehow. We worked together and he did try to kill me at 300 metres but only two bullets hit me with my own Sporter.

 I only realise now he could have shot me more as I had more bullets. Oh well.

 I did let him tie me up a bunch of times for that achievement for him, he was at 1/10.

Might finally take a break from DayZ, having been playing for like 2 months.

So only 1 achievement left, shoot someone to death at 300 metres. I have two ‘fake’ ones I want to do: build a base and fix up and drive a car. Might try and do that with a friend.


Still one of the greatest games I've ever played. Nothing matches the sheer terror of facing other human players in this. I think I conquered a lot of that fear by sticking to one town, getting to know it's loot locations inside and out and facing dozens of players over a two month period. I'll return to it someday soon, still got to repair a car and build some base stuff.

Love/Hate #49 The Outer Worlds 45/68 achievements

My eyes were bleeding after Pathfinder so I took a break then played Outer Worlds for the first time ever. Then 2 days later I finished it! ...