27 August 2024

August post #2 Necut temperature/climate map made in 30 minutes on 27/Aug/24

 As the title sez!


This doesn't take into account Teranese Ocean/Forbidden Ocean islands outside the Box of Necut ofc

Some generalisations were made but this is pretty accurate. Also plenty of mistakes but laregly just fudged the fine details.

Kept the number of terrain types simple here, no need to go into savannah/sub-tropical forest/too many kinds of forest or grasslands or plains etc.

Actually quite pleased with how this turned out. As it says in the title, I got back from my first cycle in 39 days and had lunch then threw this together in good old MS Paint.


I hate my resolve to post two blogs every month this year, it forces me to write stuff rather than have it happen more organically. I'll go back to one a month in 2025 probably. This was a map I wanted to do on the spur of the moment so I decided to post this instead of what I was working on.

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