21 October 2024

October 2024 post #2 notes on my current 5e campaign

I finished my last game in 2022 and in 2023 I ran a few random bits and pieces but I started a new 5e campaign in January 2024.


I elected to only have 2 players this time around so that a quorum could be easily established. If one person drops out, the game is off. Easy.


The party


Royce is playing a Lizard Rogue. He elected to have the standard subclass Thief. So far he has made great use of Steady Aim and Sneak Attack. As he usually plays Barbarians or at least front line attackers, this has been a nice change for him. He has also dealt tons of damage with Sneak Attack.


Cian was playing an Aasimar Paladin. He chose Devotion as his subclass. He is super hard to hit with his armour and shield on and likes to cast Shield O’Faith. He doesn’t bother with smiting for some reason so his damage output has been less but he has been a reliable tank.


They have been assisted at various points by a Warforged Cleric of Life who functioned as a heal bot. Also they have hired a variety of mercenaries at various points.


Mainly to reduce the amount of time I would spend managing the various NPCs and monsters I had them create secondary PCs who would help them and be tied to their XP levels. Royce chose a Barbarian Dwarf and Cian a Aarakocra Warlock. This was at level 9.


The campaign


I had always wanted to run The Enemy Within campaign. I had briefly ran it before for Cathy and Royce in Warhammer 1st edition and we got as far as the end of Book 2 Shadows over Bogenhafen. That was in 2016 I think. So 8 years later I got past that point, through book 3 as far as the final book, 5, skipping book 4 and 4a (Power Behind the Throne, Kislev).




They started separetly but were taken into slavery. They were made to fight in a gladiatorial arena but managed to escape.


1. Mistaken Identity


An exact, dead clone of one of the PCs was found on a route they were travelling on. Afterwards they were being pursued by some sort of bounty hunter who seemed to want the PC who resembled the clone dead.


2. Shadows Over Bogenhafen


Bogenhafen! They briefly attended the festival only to be forced to find the escaped three-legged goblin. In the sewers they encountered some sort of mythical demon guarding an altar. The city watch and council seemed terribly uninterested.

After further investigation and being made scapegoats for a murder, they managed to track down the site of the ritual being conducted to open a Chaos gate. As usual, failure in WFRP is encouraged so they were unable to stop the ritual occurring and demons sacked the town, complete with Tzeentch itself gobbling the fleeing crowds.

The PCs managed to escape anyway.


3. Death on the Reik


The boat! They acquired a boat after the events in Bogenhafen. They used it to trade goods for a little while and briefly a 3rd player character joined the campaign only to leave again.

Once again they clashed with various cultists and after much back and forth via the rivers of the Empire they acquired all the keys needed to find otu more about the mystery.

Castle Wittgenstein became their final destination - they sided with the outlaws and agreed to assault the cursed castle. They spared the life of the twisted (but affable) master of the castle but slew the true enemy, his mad necromancer daughter and her creation.

A skirmish with the cultists and the ratmen followed underneath the castle, which resulted in almost everyone dying and the warpstone being seized by the Skaven. Cian's character was brought back via Reincarnation, the only spell available to the Archdruid leading the outlaws. He came back as a Dwarf! The cleric GMPC came back as a human lady.


4. (Not-Middenheim)


I went back and forth on running Power Behind the Throne. It was such a change from the usual fighting of a 5e game that I decided eventually not to run it. Considering we only play virtually and with mics only a social game is much harder to run. I would be interested in returning to this as a mini campaign or whatever in future. There’s just so much content. Also I’ve never played Kislev so that was probably never going to happen anyway.


5. Empire in Flames


While we briefly started a sandbox dungeon/players-as-rulers simulation I quickly decided I wanted to wrap up the Enemy Within campaign first.

They got as far as the Crown Prince turning into a demon at the start of October 2024. Soon they will need to go and find the eponymous Warhammer of Warhammer Fantasy and discover the true heir to the throne.



The monsters


I ran pretty much every Fiend/Demon enemy I could in the 2020-2022 campaign plus many types of Giant, Construct, Elementals plus some Celestials, Beasts and Abominations.


This time around it was like a return to my old 3e games circa 2010 - lots of humanoid enemies! This was in part due to the Warhammer setting.


Stuff I learned


In-person games needed


I love combat and have neglected roleplay


Notes on Roll20, D&D Beyond, Beyond20 etc


Roll20 pro/plus membership etc; space issues, terrible inner search engine


Beyond - shafted by sub; technical bugs here and there


Beyond20 is still great but occasional hiccup


For the future


I’d like to run Power Behind the Throne (in person) and maybe a Kislev/all the other Warhammer 1e scenarios/campaigns like the Grapes of Wrath, Lichemaster etc.


I’d spent hours coding/figuring out the rules of Space Crusade and making it playable on Roll20. I need to run at least one game to make sure it was worth it.


Other than that, it would be cool to run Call of Cthulhu, maybe Delta Green. I had an idea for a scenario years ago that I could dig up. My main issue with running CoC or World of Darkness of anything is my inability/unwillingness to read up on the lore of these settings. They’re just too dense. I’d rather use real life stuff or my own creations.

Other than that I have a few board games and whatnot I would like to run sometime soon.


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