25 November 2024

November post #2 Even more Fallout 3,4,NV: Endurance 1 'challenges'

So I had only played them all in January 2024 but here we go again.

Who in Brazil is looking at this horseshit?


Fallout: New Vegas No companions no uniques Endurance 1 Very Hard/Hardcore Mode


In January all I did was have no companions as well as the rest of the titled info BUT this time I started a character with Endurance 1, I think, to challenge myself by not being able to buy all of the implants. But then I realised Endurance 1 in of itself was challenging, as I started with very little HP and it’s Very Hard mode so enemies are tougher and Hardcore mode so my limbs would be broken a lot.


I made it to level 50 this time, plus all my skills were 100 long before that. I also completed every DLC and did almost every quest I possibly could before siding with Yes Man.


Fallout 3 Very Hard Endurance 1


This was kind of fun to return to but also not.


I was Very Evil for the craic, was a lot of fun and just shows how much we


I only did Operation Anchorage


I got bored eventually as enemies became bullet sponges and every cell of the map had a Deathclaw or high-level enemy in it.


Fallout 4 Endurance 1 Survival Mode


No real restrictions here, just play through as much as I want.


I hate the companions in Fallout 4, they just get in the way. I usually recruit the Dog for a short period but usually fire him when I get my bearings.


I spent 50+ levels and about 44 hours of gametime so far and I have not entered Diamond City. Mostly just conquering various settlements!





February 2025 Age of Empires 3 hotkeys

I was playing a bit of Age of Empires III (Classic/2007 edition) on Steam lately and realised I had a slightly different list of hotkeys for...