01 October 2019

Clearing the Backlog #2 Final Fantasy VIII REMASTERED

This was grand

^ Here we go again, for maybe the 8th time fittingly enough; 3 times on PC including this one, who knows how many on PSX...

^ Might as well do the investment thing I did in Fallout 4; name him after me.

^ Why would you do this to me?

^ It looks almost the same, just crisper. Wasn't this what the PC re-release did a few years back? Yeah the models are improved but, whatever.

^ Gotta get the GFs in early...

^ I ALWAYS go to the wrong turnstile. Fuck it. With the better graphics, this was even more obvious.

^ Continuing my tradition since 2008 of NOT using GFs. Feck 'em.

^ Yep not much has changed...

^ You look great here, Cid...

^ But what happened here??? The same as my last review of FF8 (see post #100)...

^ Loved the Dollet sequence. One of the best first discs. 9 is also very good. 7 and 10 take a while to get going, though 7 is very good starting out the pay-offs later on are so worth it.

^ Thanks! At least I got some marks for Attack, I usually get 0 for running away all the time.

^ 17 baby.

^ Blocked.

^ Hella hard as ever, got him eventually with a few drawn Demis and of course, Renzokuken.

^ I still love Triple Triad.

^ Some of the early bois assemble.

^ It's probably most fun early on.

^ Laguna Time!

^ I always liked Laguna.

^ I had to.

^ Ha!

^ Vinzer, we hardly knew ye.

^ Deling City. Second to Esthar in cool music.

^ Fuck off, Seifer. Though I like you more and more with each playthrough.

^ Excellent job Laguna. You didn't level up your son too much.

^ Just hit whatever.

^ Went for the Irish jig this time (usually got for Eyes on Me) for happier talk with Rinoa.

^ Drew all my Triples from Odin, so handy for the rest of the game. Mainly junctioned to Strength (Squall) or Magic (Selphie/Rinoa).

^ Also got Tonberry,  of course.

^ Maybe you're right, Seifer...

^ Just keep bouncing off Rinoa...

^ An old fave. Didn't seem as tough this time...

^ Never got this boi before...

^ Also the Obel Lake quest...

^ A fateful meeting. I loved everything about this.

^ Such a badass sorceress.

^ Before the end...

^ Gotta keep Squall low on level (though this probably his highest ever on any playthrough).

^ Do over...

^ She killed me a  few times, but I managed to kill Omega in one go! Anyway that's FF8 again again again, it was grand, managed to do all the achievements in this in 35 hours for relatively little pain.

Was it all worth it? For 20 quid, yes of course. I also did a few things I had never done before, including getting the Lionheart sword for Squall/Eoghan. Still stands high and mighty as possibly my 2nd fave FF game. Might return to 9 and possibly do a few of the older ones before 7 is remade next year.

February 2025 Age of Empires 3 hotkeys

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