I first played this in maybe 2013-2014 with Cathy. I played the Gunzerker for a bit but switched to the Siren, Maya, while she played Zer0 after giving Axton a go for a bit. I remember it being tedious but on occasions fun, though we seemed to just g through endless firefights and relying on second wind a lot. We got better and managed to finish the game eventually. Anyway, here we go again on the new laptop.
^ You know, the audio helped a lot, it was much more enjoyable this time around.
^ Worthy of worship. The best Siren.
^ A taste of what is to come in Borderlands 3?
^ I always liked the raiders in this. Note the Moxxi gun, I always get them.
^ I really diversified in this; you can carry 4 weapons anyway so I usually had a pistol, sniper, rocket launcher and something else; in Blands 1 it was SMG all the way sometimes. Or some of the (WAY BETTER) unique weapons. Though this game had some contenders later...
^ Is this the acid pistol tha
^ Why should I ever trust you again?
^ Sad.
^ Dick.
^ You are a disappointment to your mother.
^ I regret everything. I'm sorry.
^ The return of the beast.
^ This was way harder in co-op for some reason.
^ Some great scenes in this.
^ Sirens unite.
^ Fuck you, Jack. Even though Roland was the blandest.
^ These were fun little asides.
^ Sorry buddy.
^ I sided with the Oirish this time; they had a gun I wanted.
^ Le glitch?
^ This was quite hard initially; I had to come back and do it.
^ Nice to do some of these sidequests...
^ This guy hit hard, and no enemies around to second wind... great loot though
^ Yes.
^ The Lady Fist or whatever - holy fudge that critical damage.
^ Poor Cl4ptr4p...
^ Apparently the Warrior is no match for this gun. True.
^ Classic. Build up a villain like this as much as possible and then get a hell of a payoff kicking him around the place.
^ Uh oh! Good thing I have this pistol...
^ Probably the only battle I wasn't downed or second-winded etc.
^ Sad. A memorable villain, no doubt.
^ Aww the gang is almost back together.
It was way more entertaining this time around. Hearing all the dialogue helped a lot. Still an often repetitive shooter, but my regard for it has increased. I played a little bit of the DND DLC and it was very good.